Welcome to Wandarra

Unlock The Future Of Industrial Hemp With Wandarra

As the world grapples with food security, climate change and sustainable products, the rediscovery of Industrial Hemp’s ability to feed, clothe, heal and house us,  is creating rapid demand. This is our mission, we’ve created a world class  agri-manufacturing food and fibre company, to provide a sustainable solution, to meet these growing needs.

Wandarra Is Delivering

An integrated industrial hemp model based on utilising our latest technology solutions, ThriveTech™ and TraceTech™ to supply domestic and global markets.

Our mission is simple – be an Australian industrial hemp company creating an extraordinary tomorrow, with sustainable solutions today utilising the natural goodness of North Queensland and its communities, perfected by modern farming and processing techniques.

What we Do


Wandarra was established to grow, harvest,  process and market/distribute industrial hemp products, utilising all parts of this amazing plant.

We assist farmers using Wandarra’s  ThriveTech™ process, to grow specific hemp crops for maximum yield, whether they be for food processing or biomass production for construction and textiles or health and wellness products.  

Wandarra then contract the harvest of these crops and further process them into their end products whether it be:


  • Hempseed,
  • Hempseed Oil,
  • Flour and Meal,



  • Hurd/shiv for construction ( hemblocks, hempcrete and other applications)  and animal bedding;
  • Fibre – textiles, insulation and other building applications.  


Health and Wellness-

  • Plant extracts and creams.


Wandarra then sell, distribute and market these products in different packages and via different channels across various categories both B2B and B2C, thereby ensuring that we are fully the most vertically integrated industrial Hemp producer, processor and distributor across all channels and categories. 

We aim to own the supply channel and with our TraceTech™ system, and be the first true “seed-to- sale” Industrial Hemp company in the region. 

Regional Economic Development And Job Creation

The production and value adding of industrial hemp in North Queensland delivers a new agri-food sector into the region. Hemp cropping provides another broad acre rotational cropping option for the region’s existing irrigated and non-irrigated operations. Wandarra will invest into critical infrastructure, processing and manufacturing equipment. This means that a highly skilled workforce will have to grow and develop with the company.

Environmental carbon sequestration and soil health

Hemp sequesters more carbon per growth cycle than just about any other crop. It improves soil health, is water-loving, but water-efficient, and can be harvested in less than four months. Hemp relies less on pesticides than most other arable crops and can be grown organically. Rotational hemp crops will help reduce nutrient run-off into inland waterways and The Great Barrier Reef. The stability of products made from hemp biomass means that once their carbon content is permanently locked in – that is where it stays. It is not released as carbon dioxide or methane.

Intellectual property and technology transfer

Wandarra is a technology-driven small to medium enterprise SME with access to hemp processing and manufacturing technological innovations from around the world. An embedded Research and Development culture, linked to technical collaboration, ensures the smart use of technology, including automation, energy use, plant nutrition, and water efficiency. All data collection is linked to information and communication technology (ICT) platforms, which is all underpinned by our ThriveTech™ process. 

Global Industry Expertise

Industrial hemp growing was deregulated nationally in the early 2000’s. Hemp food consumption was deregulated nationally in 2017, enabling Australia to participate in the global market. Wandarra has based its business model on successful Canadian and USA enterprises and has sought out hemp industry leaders to advise a strategy. Wandarra already has in place global network of off-take partners, technology/equipment suppliers, researchers, and product manufacturers to ensure its strategy management processes and systems are embedded before the trucks of material are ready to roll from farmers’ fields to the processing mills.

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration means the entire value chain is focused on building a flexible hemp growing and manufacturing enterprise linked to filling the global and domestic demand for a diversity of specific products. Wandarra is benefiting from 25 years of trial and error related to how the Canadian’s developed its cottage industry into a billion-dollar Agri-Food sector.

Regional Economic Development And Job Creation

The production and value adding of industrial hemp in North Queensland delivers a new agri-food sector into the region. Hemp cropping provides another broad acre rotational cropping option for the region’s existing irrigated and non-irrigated operations. Overseas experience tells us that Wandarra will need to invest into critical infrastructure, processing and manufacturing equipment. This means that a highly skilled workforce will have to grow and develop with the company.

Environmental Carbon Sequestration and Soil Health

Hemp sequesters more carbon per growth cycle than just about any other crop. It improves soil health, is water-loving, but water-efficient, and can be harvested in less than four months. Hemp relies less on pesticides than most other arable crops and can be grown organically. Rotational hemp crops will help reduce nutrient run-off into inland waterways and The Great Barrier Reef. The stability of products made from hemp biomass means that once their carbon content is permanently locked in – that is where it stays. It is not released as carbon dioxide or methane.

Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer

Wandarra is a technology-driven small to medium enterprise SME with access to hemp processing and manufacturing technological innovations from around the world. An embedded Research and Development culture, linked to technical collaboration, ensures the smart use of technology, including automation, energy use, plant nutrition, and water efficiency. All data collection is linked to information and communication technology (ICT) platforms.

Global Industry Expertise

Industrial hemp growing was deregulated nationally in the early 2000’s. Hemp food consumption was deregulated nationally in 2017, enabling Australia to participate in the global market. Wandarra has based its business model on successful Canadian and USA enterprises and has sought out hemp industry leaders to advise a strategy. Wandarra already has in place global network of off-take partners, technology/equipment suppliers, researchers, and product manufacturers to ensure its strategy management processes and systems are embedded before the trucks of material are ready to roll from farmers’ fields to the processing mills.

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration means the entire value chain is focused on building a flexible hemp growing and manufacturing enterprise linked to filling the global and domestic demand for a diversity of specific products. Hemp was deregulated in Canada in the mid 1990s and Wandarra will benefit from 25 years of trial and error related to how the Canadian’s developed its cottage industry into a billion-dollar Agri-Food sector.

What We Do

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Hemp Whole Plant Utilisation

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Best Fibers


Consumer Textiles


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Building Materials

Hurd (Pulp)

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Hempseed Oil


Industrial Products

Personal Hygiene

Seed Cake

Industrial Products

What We Do

Strategic business development, goals, models, strategies and collaboration

Wandarra works with clients to first understand their strategic visions and goals. We then formulate…


Improving internal systems implementation

Your system is perfectly designed for the results you get”. All enterprises have operational systems. Wandarra places a great emphasis on…


Digital enterprise solutions for the agriculture & food sectors

Internal Systems – Ag tech and services offered by digital platforms present great value for money in the new era of Industry…


Leadership Team

Steve Tiley - Director & CEO

Daren Marks - Director & CFO

Keith Gracey - Director

Project Wandarra 2024-2030

The Sustainable Wonder Crop With Positive Environmental Impact

Utilising Australia’s Emission Reduction Fund – One ha of industrial hemp can absorb 22 tonnes of CO2 per ha. It is possible to grow to 2 crops per year in North Queensland so absorption is doubled. Hemp’s rapid growth (grows to 4 meters in 100 days) makes it one of the fastest CO2-to-biomass conversion tools available, more efficient than agro-forestry.

The Townsville Region Of North Queensland Has Been Selected For The Project

Queensland state hemp growing licenses have been registered in all planned growing regions

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