

The Sustainable Wonder Crop With Positive Environmental Impact

Utilising Australia’s Emission Reduction Fund – One ha of industrial hemp can absorb 22 tonnes of CO2 per ha. It is possible to grow to 2 crops per year in North Queensland so absorption is doubled. Hemp’s rapid growth (grows to 4 meters in 100 days) makes it one of the fastest CO2-to-biomass conversion tools available, more efficient than agro-forestry.

Hemp is also used as a broad acre rotational crop offers soil health benefits. Its deep roots use ground water and reduce its salinity. Also, erosion of topsoil is limited, thereby reducing water pollution. The roots give nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil. After the harvest, this soil makes excellent compost amendments for other plants. Hemp uses less water than most other crops.

Under new Barrier Reef Regulations, cane farmers must not leave their land fallow. Hemp’s 100 days growing cycle and ease of cultivation and harvest provides a cash crop alternative. A key advantage is to enable farmers to diversify their farming systems as a hemp provides a rotation crop option within their primary crops.

Wandarra is positioned to significantly enhance the regional economic infrastructure of the North Australian agricultural and food manufacturing sectors. The fundamental economic benefit to Northern Australia will be creating increased productivity, increased profit margins, and a better bottom line for agricultural enterprises. Jobs will be created on farm, manufacturing and agricultural support industries.

The Great Barrier Reef will be enhanced as Wandarra adopts its  ThriveTech™ system supporting  regenerative agriculture  in applying fertilizers that do not leach into rivers and the sea, crop rotations, soil benefits and Industrial hemp all which requires a lot less pesticide application than most other crops. This will only be further enhanced by its verification and authentication seed-to-sale process TraceTech™.